Some manned lunar missions and the launching mode are introduced, the feature of manned lunar launching mode is summarized. Several flight modes are presented, including Earth Orbit Rendezvous and Lunar Orbit Rendezvous and so on. Based on this, the requirements of launch vehicle system are analyzed. In the end, a proposal is given, which is for manned lunar launching mode’s choice and accelerating the development of the heavy launch vehicle.
The moon is the nearest and only natural satellite of the earth, where is rich in natural resources, and the human outpost of exploring the mysteries of the universe, the optimal station of transferring and expanding the living space into deep space. Meanwhile it has great value in economic, technology and military. With the development of space technology, human footstep for exploring and landing on the moon has never stopped, which tide has appeared twice in lunar exploration and manned lunar. Along with developing of human space activities, the exploration aim is becoming further and further, but the moon always is the first aim. Research and analyse manned lunar flight mode, put forward requirement for the launch vehicle system, has an important promotable effect and practical significance for manned lunar mission.
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